Welcome to The Quote Project

I started The Quote Project in 2009 after experimenting with ways I could artistically combine photography and graphic lettering. In my original iteration of the project, a person would choose a quote that was meaningful to them, I would then write it on their body and photograph them. This project continued for a few years and I was honored to show it in galleries, an art museum, and showcases in Philly and beyond. 
When I began working as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, The Quote Project came to a natural pause. Instead of drawing on people, I was taking a deep dive into their psyches. I would get to know my patients on a deep level relatively quickly in order to try to help them feel better as soon as possible, and I became the collector of endless stories. I learned so much about the human experience, and I am endlessly grateful for the thousands of people who contributed to that learning over those years. Here are some of the most meaningful things I learned:
  • We all want to know we are not alone in our experiences 
  • We all want to feel connected in some way. We all NEED to feel connected in some way.
  • Everyone has a story to tell.
  • Everyone’s story is valid.
  • It can be so hard to be vulnerable. It can be deeply freeing to be vulnerable when your experience is met with non-judgment and understanding and kindness. 
  • We all want to be loved.
These days, I have been feeling pulled to combine my two worlds. I want to create art that connects people and validates experiences. I want to bring everyone in deep, so we can all learn about ourselves in the same way I have in my years of working in psychiatry. Despite being more connected to each other than ever online, I fear we are somehow also becoming less connected to each other as humans, and I would love to do my part to change that.
And so we have The Quote Project, reinvisioned. It will continue to involve individuals choosing a quote that resonates with them, but it will also now involve more personalized and vulnerable interviews with those who participate. Through art and storytelling, I want to dive into the complexities of the human experience that unite us all, and I would love for you to join me on this journey.